Six weeks to go, give or take a couple, and Matt and I are getting really excited to meet our little dude! He's making his presence all the more known, as you can well see in the latest photo! Last night he was at his most active, doing a little upside-down dance in my abdomen, punching away, keeping me awake for the first time. He's gotten the hiccups 3 or 4 times now, and with his penchant for punching over kicking, he's become quite the pugilist. He likes to hang out on my right side, his little bottom sticking out making me look all lop-sided. There's almost always a little knee or elbow poking out to touch around my belly button, but the best times are the wiggling and rolling earthquakes that I can just lie back and watch, a new person squirming inside my belly waiting to be born. Aside from a couple of complaints and the need to keep slowing down and getting more rest, I'm really enjoying my pregnancy and the closeness and mysterious love I feel with this little guy. At the same time, I can't wait to meet him! I'm so looking forward to spending my winter with Matt and our baby, cosily and quietly enjoying our new love.