At 10 months old, Franklin is starting to earn the nickname red-headed rascal! Part of his rascally behavior of late has to do with the fact he just had his top right tooth come in, with the other one about to cut through, and some new bottom teeth on their way to boot. He's starting to make his own decisions, like choosing the bottle over the breast. He can scoot himself backwards over the hardwoods quite far, 30 feet! He started saying brother for sure yesterday, his official second word, "bruh bruh". He throws his spoon endlessly during feedings, but the flip side of this is that he can do interactive games like roll the ball. Just today at Grandpa Steve's, Franklin was rolling or throwing the ball back and forth with Grandpa and Grandma Linda, and with remarkable accuracy at times. He continues to demonstrate more fine motor skills than gross, and sometimes surprises me with the gentleness with which he will interact with toys, such as a gentle tapping of notes on the xylophone. He gives kisses sometimes just because, making a emotive "mwah" sound, which is the very best.