Sunday, November 15, 2009

One week ago Theo learned to pull himself up to stand. Now he is an awesome pro, pulling himself up anywhere and everywhere: on my leg, on the chair, on the couch, on the oven, on the shelves, on the bookcase, on the stairs, on the high chair. The list goes on. I don't think Theo would have developed his standing skill quite so quickly if it wasn't for the activity table Matt bought him on Tuesday. Theo basically spent 2 straight days playing on it and we found that he was actually taking steps as he used it, inadvertent steps, but steps nonetheless. I told Matt he just sped up the walking process by leaps and bounds with one purchase. Now he can push his table or a chair a few feet across the room, clumsily pulling his feet in behind him. Here's our collection of shots from the last week and a video of him banging the kitchen chair like a drum. A fun game.

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