Theo had his first trick-or-treating experience tonight, and boy did he like it! No fear, just outgoing enthusiasm. At the first house, he had to be reminded of what to say, and he was slightly shy about saying trick-or-treat. Then, he tried to go in the house, which is what we do when we go to someone's house, right? Once he understood the routine, he was like, "Lets go to the next house!" He said this after every single house.
Now, this kid has barely ever had candy, save for the recent chocolate chips for initiating potty time bribe. But for some reason, he just knew, and told every house we visited "I'm going to eat ALL the candy all up!" When he finally tasted his first real candy bar, he chose Snickers, he loved it, but gave the second half to Dad. Then he tried a Nestle Crunch and ate the whole thing. "WOW. Yummy!" That was enough to keep him running circles around the house for the next 45 minutes. Luckily, I think he wore himself out and has gone to sleep!