Thursday, July 12, 2012

Dog! Dog! Dog!

Franklin is crawling all over the house, using multiple techniques, but most frequently now the traditional hands-n-knees crawl. The "butt-scoot" has become more of a "seated-crawl" because he uses his hands and feet in a back and forth motion. Its not as efficient as hands-n-knees crawling, so I'm afraid he's going to stop doing it soon and only do the traditional crawl, so I wanted to get it on video before he stops! Here he is going after Lucy repeating "dog, dog, dog", a common scene at our house lately, and doing his seated-crawl at the same time. The sound at the end is Theo burping. Don't worry, I grabbed Franklin and moved him before he interrupted Lucy having her breakfast too much :)

Franklin's talking a lot, and has added "ba-ba" for bottle as his fourth word. This morning when I went in to get him from his crib, he smiled at me and said "Da-Da!" At breakfast, he saw his brother and repeated "bruh bruh". When he sees cats, he excitedly repeats "dog". We went to the pet store over the weekend and there was a cage of kittens. I parked Frankie in his stroller in front of them and he sat up excitedly and reached out his hands, "dog dog dog"! The kittens were equally as interested in him. He also saw our cat Myrtle on the stairs under the gate as we were playing on the landing the other evening, and he tried to reach her, exclaiming "dog"! over and over again. I'm finding this phase terribly amusing! 

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