Our Franklin Gopal has been undergoing big changes in the last few weeks as a big year-and-a-half old boy. He's been going through a bit of a rough spell with having a 2-week cold, finally getting his last four front teeth (top & bottom canines), and going through a wicked spell of separation anxiety. Its been rough on everyone. But his sweet moments are oh so good, and its such a joy to see him in a good mood, his wonderful sweet playful self. His 18 months stats - 33.5 inches tall, 75th percentile, and 24 lbs, only 25th percentile.
He loves to build with duplo blocks now and dearly covets his brother's hot wheels, which he's not allowed to play with except under close supervision, since he still puts everything in his mouth. His games are so imaginative; its hard to know how much of it is his brother's influence. Climbing up on the ottoman and throwing plastic whales and dolphins into a blanket representing water is a favorite, and clearly influenced by the big bro. If there is no "water" on the floor, he asks for it quite clearly. He likes to play with plastic animals and is beginning to pretend scenes with them.(see the bugs, below) He likes to smile and point to members of the family - identifying mama, dada, bruh bruh, and himself, which he points to, nods, and says "nah nah" after we say who's Franklin? He understands everything - don't even think about saying the words chocolate chip or cookie in front of him.
Proud block tower builder.
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