Sunday, October 11, 2009


He who taketh away energy also hath the power to give!  I had a rough night with Theo - I went to bed late, and then he was up much of the 3:30-4:30am part of the night, feeling awake, sitting up, pooping, babbling.  I should be completely exhausted this morning, but I don't even need to nap now that I have the chance.  I just had so much fun with the little guy this morning, aside from the fat lip, that is.  We played with balloons.  We had breakfast - he actually liked the breakfast I made him, a lot (he usually prefers Matt's cooking, but hey, don't we all).  He smiled. I smiled.  We both laughed.  I got to shower.  He went to down for his nap without fussing.  Ah.  I almost forgot about the lousy night!  Balloons are fun!  Check the video for evidence.  (Thanks for the balloon, Aunt Carolyn!)

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