Matt and I gave Theo some play-doh on his actual birthday. What a hit. First he was mostly interested in organizing it, but over the next few days, Theo has become really, really into it. He mostly wants Matt and I to make things with it for him, but he is slowly learning to shape it himself. His favorite parent play-doh game is making letters.
In the past several weeks, Theo's language skills have exploded, and he now makes sentences like "I want cracker" and "Mama make letters play-doh." This spike, corresponding with his receipt of the Dr. Seuss A-B-C book from Grammy Betsy has made for quite the little alphabet learner. The child has learned his letters faster than his bird species! He almost knows all of them now, and knows what many of them stand for, such as "C for Cat Meow" and "P for Pop". Between this and his memorizing sea life and mammal species on his flash-cards Great Aunt Carolyn gave him, he is showing that he has an incredible memory. And we're not pushing this stuff, these are the activities he chooses!