Sunday, June 24, 2012

Some family photos

First haircut!
Theo pretends to shave with his toy power drill. Emulating a little bit of daddy and a little bit of mommy! Franklin looks on studiously.

Three top ones down, three to go

Outside play just the other day

Puzzle master

Theo put together his alphabet train puzzle ALL BY HIMSELF!

Monday, June 18, 2012

First ride in a swing!

 We had some fabulous family time on Father's Day in between Daddy teaching and then getting a well-deserved Daddy's day massage. We met at the park and then went swimming at our favorite new hang-out, the Mt Scott Community Center Pool (the one with the big waterslide!) At the park, Franklin enjoyed his very first swing ride and LOVED IT. Theo got on the swing right next to him, and Franklin looked like he was immitating pumping his legs like his big brother.

Since Franklin started saying DaDa on Mother's Day, I was hoping he would start saying Mama on Father's Day...he's getting closer, but most of the time when you ask him to say Mama, he just grins and says enthusiastically "DADA!"

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sunday, June 10, 2012

10-month old Franklin

At 10 months old, Franklin is starting to earn the nickname red-headed rascal! Part of his rascally behavior of late has to do with the fact he just had his top right tooth come in, with the other one about to cut through, and some new bottom teeth on their way to boot. He's starting to make his own decisions, like choosing the bottle over the breast. He can scoot himself backwards over the hardwoods quite far, 30 feet! He started saying brother for sure yesterday, his official second word, "bruh bruh". He throws his spoon endlessly during feedings, but the flip side of this is that he can do interactive games like roll the  ball. Just today at Grandpa Steve's, Franklin was rolling or throwing the ball back and forth with Grandpa and Grandma Linda, and with remarkable accuracy at times. He continues to demonstrate more fine motor skills than gross, and sometimes surprises me with the gentleness with which he will interact with toys, such as a gentle tapping of notes on the xylophone. He gives kisses sometimes just because, making a emotive "mwah" sound, which is the very best.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Eatin' toast

 Like many three-year-olds, Theo can take a REALLY long time eating. The other evening, I goofed around with him and his brother a bit while we were finishing dinner, and it took even longer. Left to his own devices, Theo would certainly eat like this nearly every meal. These pictures are pretty representative of what Theo is like when eating toast.

High five, mom.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sunday, June 3, 2012

More matching pjs!

A little family kirtan

Theo playing the harmonium solo for the first time!

Franklin thought the whole thing was pretty rockin'