Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Richness in Grandmas

 Over three weekends, we had visits from all three grandmas on Mommy's side of the family. We enjoyed a great visit from Grammy Betsy during Franklin's birthday week, so fun to have her here for the parties. Here are Theo and Franklin, in bliss on Grammy's lap, playing their favorite ipad game, Thomas the Train.

 What an absolute treat to have a visit from Great Grandma Migs! We all enjoyed her marvelousness for a short, but very sweet visit. The boys were captivated by her fun & expert grandma-ing.

Ever since Grandma Linda retired, we've been enjoying seeing a lot more of her! Here is Franklin serving her a picnic, a very popular activity for him lately.

A few scenes from around here lately...

 Theo climbing the big chain wall at a local playground
 Reading stories to brother
 Getting wet at garden-watering time
 Driving his car
 Saying goodbye to Mommy through the window in the morning

Telling stories - animated as always. With poofy hair.

Assisted self-portrait

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Franklin at 2

 Franklin is officially two, and now we have his 2-year stats, as well. He's 28 lbs and 35 inches tall, 50th percentile in both, which surprises us because he seems so BIG for his age. Very similar stats to his brother at the same age, but a pound or so heavier. At the doctor’s we weighed Theo too and he’s now up to 36 lbs! Finally he’s broken the 34-lb barrier he seemed to stay at forever, and thank goodness, because he’s growing like a weed and is now 3 and a half feet tall.
Franklin's language and personality are developing the most right now. He learned to say "I'm two" on his birthday and continues putting words together here and there.  Mostly, we are so grateful for his increasing vocabulary so he can tell us what he wants! He knows all of the main colors now and likes to pretend to count "unt du, unt du". He laughs boisterously at all sorts of things, but mostly at his brother, who is his own personal comedy show. When they are in the mood to share, they play marvelously together. I especially love watching them look at books together in the mornings. Franklin is especially talented at ball throwing, with a spot-on aim, and enjoys lining up cars just like his brother did at this age.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Franklin's birthday party

Franklin turns two: a family party with big cookies!

Franklin turns two: opening presents

 We opened presents periodically all day; starting with moments after Franklin woke up!
 A truck with a garage, with DOORS! Franklin loves closing doors right now, this is perfect!
 Big brother gets one matching 'big brother gift'.

 Franklin chooses the truck from Pop & Grandma to bring to breakfast.
 Theo was happy to offer assistance with opening presents or, especially, learning how to use the new toys.
 Notice Theo's face in the upper corner...
 A giant digger....and Theo's feet.

 Grandpa brought a giant recycling truck!

Big trucks!