Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Walkin' along, singin' a song

Franklin loves to sing and dance these days, and he's discovered he can put stuff on a chair and push it around - super fun.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Hangin' out, fightin' colds

Franklin has gotten really into putting clothes on. He frequently asks you to put his hat on him. When he hears its time to go outside, he'll go get his shoes. He also starts saying bye-bye as soon as he gets the idea someone is leaving. He has even started saying little sentences, well, one sentence, "get get ball!"
He's learned to steer! Franklin seems to have weathered the cold the best of us.
A classic.

Feelin' good - before the fever.
In the throes of a fever, but still very creative. Multi-colored tropical fish!
The budding artist

A couple of weeks ago, healthy as a can be, thought I'd throw it in.

Owl spotting

A beautiful and majestic barred owl spotted by Matt in our backyard, caused a flurry of excitement including a visit from a neighbor birder and of course Grandpa Steve and Grandma Linda.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Theo, Franklin, and Mama have all been struck by a nasty cold. A relic from my own childhood, the card table fort, bought me about a half an hour of peace this morning.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Walking with props

 Franklin is really enjoying the power to walk around the house pushing one of the little chairs - here he is pushing the trike since Theo has built a whale watching boat out of the chairs!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Just a few from 'round here lately


Joyful Theo in red pjs

Franklin likes to pop up everywhere and say "hi!"