Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Big Brother Little Brother

These guys genuinely enjoy each other’s company. Theo’s natural nurturing tendencies lead him to welcome opportunities to teach his brother, and in turn, share with him. Theo loves to show Franklin the book he’s reading or the game he’s playing, and explain everything in this sweet, welcoming tone of voice. He’ll draw an eye or a plane for Franklin during drawing time when Mommy or Daddy are busy, and most of the time, if asked, will help him with what he needs if it’s in his power. Franklin sometimes gets to watch brother play the iPhone ABC game Starfall, and it is amazing to me how he totally defers to big brother, and doesn’t try to press the screen (unlike speakerphone conversations!) Here’s Theo sharing a dish of raspberry sorbet with Franklin, totally of his own accord.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Theo's latest

Growing growing boy. And such a vocabulary! Yesterday at the playground, Theo went down the slide, and another boy came flying down almost running into him. Theo laughed and told him, "Oh! You startled me!" An unusual thing for a four-year-old, but par for the course with Theo. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Budding Builder

 Franklin is 21 months old now! 1 and 3/4 years! The terrible twos are starting to settle in - "twoberty" has officially begun. But with it, great cuteness and new developments. He has become quite the little builder, favorite activities include stringing together pieces of the train set to make pretty good train tracks, or building elaborate towers with the duplo blocks. He also still loves to draw, and demands the paper and pens multiple times a day. His language continues to develop too, and he can climb right up into his own high chair when he's hungry. He is so big, too! He's grown out of his footed 2T sleepers with his long torso but mostly his big feet! And, perhaps taking after his brother, he has learned to smile for the camera!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Bubble brothers

 Theo and Franklin are in stitches laughing over blowing bubbles while Franklin enthusiastically repeats bubble! bubble! bubble!