Monday, August 27, 2012

Play time with big bro

Lately Franklin and Theo have really begun to play more elaborate games with one another, and it nearly always involves the both of them laughing hysterically. Theo is definitely struggling to find a balance between playing with his little bro and trying to totally control him. He is having a pretty hard time with the whole not being able to control Frankie's every move situation. But the times that they play harmoniously are utterly priceless. Sure do like listening to them laugh together.

Darling Theo

Seems like I should include my recent Facebook post about Theo in the Blog:
Tonight in the last 1/2 hour before Theo went to bed, he asked me the following questions: Why do wolves eat squirrels? Why do flowers die? Why do aquariums have castles in them? Is mud brown? What's a mineral? 
Then I fascinated him with the fact that grown-ups feet smell after being in shoes all day but little boys feet don't yet. He found it hilarious to smell his foot, then smell mine. He couldn't believe how stinky my foot was.

Franklin standing up and pointing

More and more interested in books and pointing at pictures in books.

Loving his drum birthday present from Pop & Grandma


Franklin is changing so fast. He's pulling himself up to stand on everything now. He's added new words "bread" and "night-night" and regularly points to things and says "that" to ask what they are. His palate is developing, too; he likes sunflower seed butter on toast and grilled cheeses. He's more and more interested in trying what the grown-ups are having and has tried treats like watermelon and carrot sticks. Now, when I put him to bed, he stands up and calls out to me, "night-night!"

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Standing up...he's getting there!

Messy eater

Willful, too! A real rascal to feed at times...but this is when its fun. You can see the trouble in his eyes, though, can't you!?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The budding artist

Theo has become increasingly skilled, and enthusiastic about, making pictures. During our vacation he filled up nearly and entire doodle pad with drawings of cars. Before that he was into drawing fish and whales splashing in the ocean. Meanwhile, without any instruction, his penmanship has improved, and he can write his name pretty darn well. This morning's painting produced one picture of the ocean and one picture of great white purple crocodiles and whale's breath.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

On the road - miscellaneous images traveling with two young kids

Is all this food for me?

Getting started eating all that food at the first rest stop!

One of many restaurant grilled cheese sandwiches consumed by Theo during the trip.

First French Fry! - At Rogue Brewery, Newport, OR


Motel yoga

Legal bed-jumping! -Fireside Inn, Yachats, OR

Motel Pool! Garberville, CA


Upside-down car play - car purchased at Chandellier Tree Gift Shop

More toast

Big Boy - Anderson Valley, CA


Very silly

We woke up at 4:00 am and couldn't get back to sleep! Let's hit the road!

Stayin' cool in the back seat

Rest-stop yoga

First Dairy Queen cone :)