Both boys have demonstrated some new skills with their words recently. Franklin has started pronouncing the whole word ball, not just "ba." And he says it with much gutteral exageration, "baawll(gh)" that it is really comedic. He's been talking about eyes and noses and pointing at them, and this evening Theo got taught him to "eyebrow". He also says banana now, but it comes out kind of like bama. I think he's an Obama supporter.
Theo has started using comparative language in his everyday speech. When choosing a new shirt on line the other day, he said, "that one! I want to be as yellow as the sunshine!" Theo and I were on a walk together with Lucy yesterday and I reminded him he wasn't to step in any big puddles since he wasn't wearing his boots. He responded, "OK mommy, I will only step in the puddles that are as small as Franklin when he came out of your tummy."