Franklin started on big language development phrase about a week ago. He woke up Saturday morning and sang all day, and I knew it was coming. Until recently, he still only used a very few two-word combinations; usually big car, big truck, red car. All pretty much vehicle related, Now, an adjective and a noun used together are the norm. While folding laundry this morning, he identified everything by its owner and the article of clothing. "Daddy shirt" and "bruh bruh pant". The funny thing is, there are still so many consonants he can't pronounce, like T, P, F, and of course L and R, that he says his name "Gankwin" or "Dankwin" so "Dankwin shiwt" is what we get! Yesterday he showed me his tow truck hot wheels and said "Doe Guck".
Of all the stuffed animals and teddy bears in the house that are the boys', Franklin has developed an attachment to this one, sent by Matt's Mom to him when he was a freshman in college. Franklin has named him "baby bear" and often takes him with him to go out, and must be able to find him in his room when he wakes up.
Hot wheels are a clear favorite toy still. He loves to line them up on the couch like Theo used to.