Sunday, February 23, 2014

An update on the growing boys: 5 and 2 and a half

Theo and Franklin have been growing and developing at a quick clip these days, especially in the areas of intellectual development. Theo has begun reading simple words on a more regular basis, and has surprised us by a natural ability to quickly do simple sums in his head, such as 2 plus 4 and 5 plus 3. He also has three loose teeth! Franklin's language is getting much more sophisticated and specific, saying things like "watch me spin 'round, Mommy" and "me no want some dinoroar cards, me want ALL the dinoroar cards" and "You too big to fit on my little potty". He also has started asking "why" and can now count to 9. His vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds every day. Both boys can do some pretty amazing jigsaw puzzles all by themselves!

Franklin starting preschool!

Spring is getting closer - out with our bikes and visiting the neighborhood beaver