Sunday, February 27, 2011

Big brother in training

I have been a little remiss on the blog lately, and I have a lot of updating to do. Theo has kept us very busy lately, and the fatigue that comes with pregnancy has played a part, as well. We told Theo two weekends ago that he is going to be a big brother. We weren't sure what to expect, but we managed to elicit a very positive response by suggesting that he could practice being a big brother with a baby doll. He got extremely excited at this prospect and off we went to Target to pick out a baby doll. Theo chose this girl doll, and proudly brought her home. He held her and sat with her and "snuggled" with her. He showed her the flickers in the yard and the numbers and letters in the newspaper, and he always made sure that we kept her hat on her head to keep her warm. We were thrilled with the natural nurturing and teaching spirit he showed, and much to my surprise he was not confused or surprised at all to be told I was growing this new baby in my tummy!

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